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You searched for: Tag: swimming lesson
    sassyLuvkawaii  33, Female, Guam - 2 entries
Jul 2008
7:04 PM EDT

Bored. .

Yep this is getting boring everyday.
I mean staying home, and just surfing the net.
Besides, our internet has a prob. and i don't know how to fix it.
You know what's weird?
Our internet only works in the morning
then after that it won't work anymore. Even at night, it not working.
Gosh "may tama talaga ang net namin".
Anyway, last fri. we had a swimming lesson.
And i think i improved it.
Hahaha! It's so fun last fri. gosh we're like just playing around.
When it's supposed to be a swimming lesson. Our swimming teacer even got mad at us
'coz we're so noisy and i think he's annoyed by us. Hahaha!
Sorry for that sir!
We're just having fun and that's the first time our whole class bond together at the pool
But that not the last day peepz!
We'll have swimming lessons every fri. of the first quarter.
The bad thing is after our s. lesson, we're like so tired
and we have another class after our s. lesson.
Neways, gotta go. have 2 eat first
Alwayz N Forever,

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